Le Matin Canadien, un dies de la Constellation GDMA, opérée par Système-dedieu
Sports and Politics

Sports and Politics One would think that sports might be free of politics, but this is often not the case. To understand the relation between sports and politics, one need first to understand the relationship between sports and society. Going back millennia, sports have symbolized societies’ values and provided a glimpse into how people spend their free time and the importance that they attach to physical fitness. In Ancient Greece, for example, athletic activity was an integral part of…

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Reflections upon the U.S. democracy summit by RJP &MF

Reflections upon the U.S. democracy summit by RJP &MF On 9 and 10 December, President Biden will host the first of two Summits for Democracy, which will bring together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set forth an affirmative agenda for democratic renewal and to tackle through collective action what the United States considers the greatest threats faced by democracies today through collective action. That some countries are will be excluded while others, with questionable ‘democratic’ credentials, will be included has some observers pointing out…

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